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The Leading Manufacturers’ Reps in Florida, TOLA (Texas, Oklahoma, Louisiana, and Arkansas) and Puerto Rico

Here at FLA Technology Sales, Inc. we are committed to working diligently with our principals to accomplish design wins (no matter the duration), while tenaciously seeking other new opportunities. We not only listen to the needs of all parties involved, but more importantly we hear you. While arriving at solutions to challenging situations, we’re developing a trusting and long-lasting relationship/partnership with our principals.

Satellite Network Infrastructure

We represent one of the world’s most skilled companies at building and operating networks. We design, deploy, and maintain highly reliable, secure communications systems and information networks for voice, data, and video systems, which supports the U.S. War Fighter efforts.

Joint Air-To-Ground Missiles

JAGM is a multi-sensor air-to-ground missile that is backward compatible to the M299 launcher and, with appropriate integration upgrades, to all platforms (air, ground and maritime) that currently employ HELLFIRE or Longbow missiles.

Inertia Guidance

Inertial navigation systems are autonomous after initialization, do not rely on satellite connectivity and can convey more granular data than a GPS device used alone. Moreover, they are resistant to radar jamming and deception, as they are self-contained.

Manpack Radio

Manpack terminals are specifically designed for the needs of the front-line operators. They are built to be air-dropped or jumped for operation in the Worlds’ most austere environments for extended periods.